THE BEGINNIG… or atlest trying to begin

Ah well here i am february 26. 2019. trying to write the first blog (even though english is not my native language). Right now i”am at home in front of my computer duhh..( I KNOW). Nobody is probaby going to read this blog but it doesnt really matter its about trying and learning something new.

As Arnold Scwarzenneger once said you have 24 hours in a day of those 24 you sleep 6 or 8 depending on the indivdual. Well what i am trying to get at is that i will try to dedicate 30 min every day to write something in this blog even if its just one sentence.

And i am not here to just quote lines from “famous” people. Its about the idea that your are putting 1 just 1 stone on the ground ( the stone representing a vision or a dream or a goal ) That stone might not look like much hell it probably doesnt, but what matters is something that helped me on my journey.

It all started when I was 13 years old watching TV scrolling through the channels when suddenly a saw a Tv show on a local tv station “NBA action” . It totally blew my F**** mind. I watched some basketball before but only the local slovenian league or the euroleague. ( this was also a time before we at home had internet the year was middle december 2004).

I also played basketball videogames at the time most notably NBA Live 2003 and 04. So I had some knowledge of the players. But then again only from videogames. So when I saw the show NBA action I WAS HOOKED it was just so brilliant i cant describe it in words. And then they would show the top 10 plays of that week and :

Again yes.

That”s the first time I saw the majestic flight and artistry of the greatest athletes in the world. And right then and there I fell in love with the game and also had I vision that popped in to my head that I was going to dunk a basketball at some point ( looking back at it now I am proud of the 13 year old self that he didnt give up or give in because i was at the time a little bit chubby and surely not the athletic type). Any how at our house we had two basketball hoops one was regulation height the other shorter and I vividly rememeber while my older brother would go shooting on the big hoop I would star my practice just dunking the ball for an 1 hour atleast ( and the funny thing was the ball that I was using was a small ball made out of scrambled together paper and wraped around in duct tape ( so basically the ball didnt bounce of the floor ) but it was great nonetheless I loved every second of it.

And that was basically the start of a journey, or as I already noted in the beginning puting down the first stone and through hard work and dedication that stone over time will become a wall and you just keep on going and never stop. Never.
