Sorting things out in live

Hello there.

This is volume II of my bloging journey. And if only one person reads this and proceeds to change whatever they desire , it may be that they want to improve mentally or physically it does not matter as long as we strive to be a better version of ourselfs each and every day.

I struggled immensely. But I am turning it around the first part was to have a routine and that routine over time becomes a habit (its all in our heads) this thickheaded mentallity that that I had was that i was comparing myself to others to menytimes you know like, oh look at him he has a perfect life a great job that he likes. And i was trying to be better than them, but over time when i didnt get the results i wanted it just kinda made a clicking sound in my brain like hole up.

WHAT ARE YOU DOING !? (the voice said in my brain )

Why just why am I compering myself to other individuals, this type of motivation did help me to start off I wont lie. Its a very easy type of motivation because I could then surpress my flaws and have a mindset like : oh I am gone show them and prove them wrong. I cant speak for others but this type of motivation probaby does work for some people in the long run.

But for me It had to change, and thus came the mindset that I live by to this day :

And I dont want to sound like a motivational guru. Just trying to put the things that I feel in to a written word in this blog.
