Self improvement is the key to unlocking your true and full potential.

As I started writting this blog an idea poped up in my mind of a brand where I would try to connect like minded individuals in to a powerfull mechinary that would drive us all to better ourselfs and the name that came to my mind was :

And I made this basic logo in photoshop ( a skill I am also trying to improve on) . I think its a good start.

This journey of self improvement has really had and is still having such a positive effect on my life. If i look at it from a perspective of my physical apperance, yes I played basketball from when I was 13 and started playing more seriuosly at 17. But I was always more one the bigger side of my peers I was at that time around 6″2 ( or 188 cm ) and weight about 230 ish ( 105 kg ).

And the thing was I blinded myself of the reality that I should improve my apperance, stamina , muscle mass , ect. I felt like i could do all the things that my more fit team mates could do. The thing was I could do everything my mates could do, but there would come a point where I just didnt have the stamina. But boy would I try in and that is something that sticks with me to this day.

I love the game so much even if I only play it now for recreation. The attitude towards the game the way you treat the game has a lot to sey about life in general I believe.

You dont cheat the game or half-ass it just like you shouldnt with life.

And one day about 3 years ago it made a clicking sound in my brain (yes that sound again), but that still didnt mean that right of the bat I started going all out not even close. I started watching some random videos on youtube about bodybuildnig ( a didnt really like these muscle heads from and early age I alwasy thought they were these closed minded indivdulas that only cared about how the look and who has the biggest biceps and who can lift the most weight).

And one random day I clicked on a video by London Real called DORIAN YATES – INSIDE THE SHADOW.

I would advise everybody to take a look, even if you are not in to bodybuilding its just the wisdom and the knowledge about how to conduct yourself in life having some goal and giving it 100 % dedication whatever it may be you are trying to achieve . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fyvk5PQK0io&t=1318s

For me that video gave me another push in the right direction,
